I've written about how to make chia pudding before, but it dawned on me that I've never actually shown you how to do it. So here it is. The secret with this is making sure the chia seeds don't stick together in clumps. I've got it down to a science so see for yourself by watching the video! This makes 2-3 servings. Keep it tightly sealed in your refrigerator for up to 3 days. … [Read more...]
Recent Blog Posts
How to Get Flat Abs with Celeb Trainer Brett Hoebel
At the launch of Nestle's new electrolyte-enhanced resource water at NYC'sPier 36 last night, I had the opportunity to catch up with international fitness expert and past trainer on NBC's The Biggest Loser, Brett Hoebel. We grabbed the "quietest" spot we could find to chat about insecurities, his fitness philosophy and of course, abs. Where I Need to Be: You've trained everyone from models … [Read more...]
How to Train for a Spartan Race : Quality Over Quantity
No, this is not a fitness blog, I promise. But when you're passionate about fitness, it seems to find its way into many facets of life. Hence, the fitness focus recently. And yes, there will probably be more as I train for a triathlon this summer. More to come on that! I mentioned in a previous post that I'm taking on a Spartan Challenge, The Reebok Spartan Race. When I decided to do the race, I … [Read more...]
Under Armour What’s Beautiful Re-defining The Female Athlete: Illness & Injury Edition #IWILL #Whatsbeautiful
Last week my Under Armour clothes and shoes arrived, but I have yet to enjoy anything because I've been laid up with a bad cold since after Memorial Day weekend. Even when you eat for energy, illness happens. This week I'm getting real about the injury and illness that have set my goals back since this challenge started. As someone who pushes myself to 110 percent at all times, I don't always … [Read more...]
Fitness Magazine Meet & Tweet: How to Go from Gym to Glam
Last month I was invited to the Fitness Magazine Meet & Tweet at the Mercedes Club. Admittedly, I'm long overdue writing this post, so I thought I'd post some quick highlights starting with the healthiest food at any blogger event ever to the ridiculous amounts of generous swag and my favorite and most useful speaker take away from the day followed by a few scenes from my first ever class with … [Read more...]
Under Armour What’s Beautiful: What I Eat After a Workout #IWILL #Whatsbeautiful
Under Armour’s What’s Beautiful Campaign has me focusing on my goal of eating for energy so of course I have to share what I eat after a workout. What's beautiful to me? Using food as fuel to power my workouts, reach my physical goals and see results. What's not so hot? A great workout followed by crappy food or using food to feed emotions. Does this mean I do this perfectly? Nope, but I'd like … [Read more...]
NUX USA Giveaway
I spend a lot of time in exercise clothes whether I'm in the gym or my home office so it can't just be any old spandex. It needs to be stylish, comfortable, wicking, figure-flattering and of course, the brand has to stand for something. These are some of the reasons I love NUX USA. NUX USA stands for inspired living and has a philosophy they call NUXOLOGY: To be pro peace and anti nothing.To lead … [Read more...]
Roasted Veggie Pasta {gluten-free and vegan}
My boyfriend is a pasta-lover if there ever was one and being the good Italian girl that I am, I'm constantly trying to find ways to make it healthier so we can eat together. This healthy pasta recipe is perfect for warm weather and is more veggies than pasta so you'll get tons of nutrition with it. I like to make it when I have a lot of vegetables that I want to use up. I'm also loving a … [Read more...]
Under Armour What’s Beautiful Campaign: Forward Progress #IWILL #Whatsbeautiful
As a FitFluential Ambassador, I’ve been selected to participate in Under Armour’s What’s Beautiful Campaign. This post is sponsored by Under Armour and FitFluential. What’s Beautiful is a competition to redefine the female athlete. To me, that means choosing foods that nourish, make me strong and give me energy. What is healthy eating? How do you eat for energy? Before working … [Read more...]
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