Like a fine wine, there is also an art and a science that goes into creating a good-tasting olive oil. For a long time, olive oil has been a staple in my kitchen so I’ve always had that innate sense that not all olive oils are created equal, but I never fully investigated why. Luckily, I stumbled on a class at Eataly, Olive Oil Uncovered with Nicholas Coleman and I am now better versed on the topic than I ever expected I could be.
As a healthy fat, I consider olive oil an important component of a balanced diet. Healthy fats help our bodies assimilate the vitamins and minerals from food and are important for brain, heart and muscle function and ease inflammation to support the immune system.
That said, it is important to consume high quality healthy fats and oils. Before this class, what I knew about purchasing oils was this:
- Buy organic
- Look for cold pressed oils
- Always choose oils that are unrefined
But when it comes to the quality and taste of an oil, like olive oil, I learned there is so much more to consider! I have to say this class wouldn’t have been nearly as interesting if it weren’t for the instructor, Mr. Coleman. He is a true connoisseur who is passionate about olive oil and has first-hand experience with the olive harvest in Tuscany and the oil production process there. I admired him mostly for finding a way to share his passion for this topic in such an exceptional way.
By the end of class, I had this list of olive oil attributes to consider:
- Extra Virgin
- Dark glass or tin container
- Harvest Date
- D.O.P. Region
- Olive Cultivars
- Pressing Method
- Altitude, Soil or Age of Trees
Because oils oxidze with time, olive oil should be purchased as close to the harvest date as possible and used quickly, within two to three months of opening the bottle. It should be stored in a cool, dry place. Not above or next to the stove.I was shocked to learn that most oils found in a supermarket are already past their prime and therefore aren’t good.
“What Grows Together, Goes Together”: I picked this phrase up in class and learned that oils that display “Product of Italy” or “Product of Spain” on the bottle mean that the olives used in that oil are most often not all from the same country or region which creates a greasier and less quality oil.
We were introduced to four oilive oils, first with a taste, noticing the smell and texture of each. After warming the oil in your hand for 45 seconds, the tasting is similar to the slurps and swirls with which wine is tasted.
Fun Fact: Some oils may taste peppery or feel so in the throat. This attribute is caused by the amount of oliocanthol, a polyphenol, it contains. So, the more peppery an oil, the more antioxidants it has! Love it!
After tasting the oil, came my favorite part — the food pairing. Executive Chef Alex Pilas was on hand and preparing some of the simplest most delicious Italian dishes I’ve ever had. The key to cooking with olive oil is that because it is damaged at high temperatures, it is often added at the end of the cooking process to “finish” a dish.
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Chef Alex Pilas, Eataly Executive Chef |
Crudo of the Day: Scallop and Sea Bass
pairing note: the lightest and most mild of all the oils
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Paired with ROI: Cru Riva Gianca from the commune of Poggi, province of Imperia, Liguria |
Tomato Bruschetta
pairing note: more peppery like fresh mowed grass
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Paired with Frantoio Franci: I.G.P. Toscano from the region of Montenero d’Orcia, Tuscany |
Pappa Al Pomodoro
pairing note: the most robust with a lingering pepper taste and notes of green tomato
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Paired with Frantoi Cutrera: Primo D.O.P. Monti Iblei from the region of Chiaramonte, Sicily |
Olive Oil Gelato
pairing note:this olive oil had a grassier, more buttery taste
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Paired with La Mola: D.O.P. Sabina from the region of Sabina Rieti, Lazio |
Self explanatory but worth mentioning:the more robust oils are paired with stronger foods while the lighter oils are paired with delicate dishes like fish and vegetables.
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