Happy Valentine’s Day! Today is the day many of us celebrate love. So often, that love is focused externally, on a relationship with someone else. I remember a time, not so long ago, when I was running around trying to find that perfect love to celebrate on February 14. Little did I know, I was searching too far. That love was actually inside of me.
How would your life be different if you fell in love with yourself and celebrated that love every day of the year? You may experience weight loss, glowing skin, more satisfying relationships and increased success at work. Not bad for a little self-love, right?
When we are at peace within ourselves, everything else has a way of magically falling into place and we can give and receive love more easily. Don’t forget to take time out for self love today and always!
Small, daily actions add up over time so here are 15 ideas to get your started:
• Meditate – there’s no one way, pick a way that feels right to you, start with 5 minutes and build up to longer (if you want)
• Buy yourself flowers for your desk or home
• Make a green juice or smoothie and drink it out of your favorite wine or champagne glass
• Treat yourself to a massage
• Write a love letter to yourself
• Speak to yourself as you would a child, with only kind words
• Take yourself on a date to a movie, on a walk or to tea
• Move your body in a way that feels good to you
• Pick a theme song, play it loud and dance it out
• Luxuriate in a hot bath after a long day (amp it up with Epsom salts and essential oil)
• Nourish your body with wholesome food and fresh, clean water
• Wear your “Sunday best” any day of the week
• Light a candle at mealtime – or just because
• Choose an affirmation and recite it often to remind yourself that you’re a Rockstar
• Sport an “iloveme”ring as a reminder of your commitment to yourself
I like all these sound pieces of advice. Often on Valentine's Day, there is way too much of an emphasis on finding that perfect person or someone to be with, to have them take you out to dinner or buy you gifts, but for those who don't have that, it leaves many feeling rather empty. We don't need that. There is an extremely high value in feeling at peace with yourself and knowing that you and you alone are enough to satisfy everything you need. right?