Not only is avocado tasty, it’s good for you too! Yes, avocado is high in fat, but no, not the kind that makes you fat. Here’s the skinny: Avocado is a source of monosaturated fats which assist with the absorption of nutrients from food and lower cholesterol. Avocado is also a wonderful anti-inflammatory agent which assists in cancer prevention and promotes heart health with its omega-3 fatty acids, high levels of vitamin B-6 and folic acid. Finally, avocado is high in fiber which is important for weight loss.
After my brunch at Cafe Gitane, I had a craving for avocado a few days later so decided to recreate the toast at home. It’s one of the easiest things you’ll ever make.
Peel one avocado, remove the stone and mash with a fork in a small bowl. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon and stir in.
Meanwhile, toast two slices of whole grain bread (I like the homemade sprouted grain bread available at Whole Foods, but any kind will do).
Spread the avocado mixture on the warm toast and top with a generous sprinkle of crushed chili pepper, a dash of sea salt and fresh pepper.
Sink your teeth in and enjoy!
MMMM . . one of my favorites!