There’s a section in my forthcoming book, title still TBD, but it will be something like The Holistically Hot Way or Holistically Hot Transformation (have an opinion on one of those? Feel free to weigh in!) that explains why I’m writing a book.
I thought I would summarize it for you a little here, because truth be told, writing a book is a ton of hard work and if I had listened to the voice inside me that said “you don’t have what it takes to write a book” or “self publishing doesn’t make you a real author” or “your Northwestern journalism professors would have laughed you out of class had you as much as uttered the phrase ‘self publish'” …
Had I listened to all those voices trying to convince me to play small, I wouldn’t be where I am now – about to publish a book that will help women all over the world embrace a healthier lifestyle free of dieting, confusion and self-judgment.
In my seven years as a health coach – with all the workshops I’ve taught, blog posts I’ve written, clients I’ve coached and webinars I’ve run, I know I can do better. I know I can reach more women.
And this is why I’m writing a book:
The health and wellness industry is at a crossroads. Evidenced by the growing rates of both obesity and eating disorders, women are simultaneously starving and overfeeding themselves, and it goes beyond food.
They’re starved for a more meaningful, purpose-driven life and overfed by media messages that tell them who and how they should look and be. As a result, they’re using food to punish or self-medicate. It’s no surprise that as a gender, our relationship with food has become severely damaged by the habit of facing our fridge instead of ourselves.
Something needs to change, but the question many women have is where to start and how to do it on a budget of time and/or money.
I’ve been busy, I’ve been on a budget and I’ve been confused about cooking and how to fuel my body
I want more women to know that health and wellness doesn’t have to be complicated and doesn’t need to take a lot of time.
So before you go out and spend more money on the latest, trendiest, all-juice cleanse, or launch into another fad diet hoping for a quick fix, I hope you’ll make a date with yourself, soak in the knowledge I’m sharing in my forthcoming book, then put it into action in a way that works for you.
satorke Thank you! Yes, it has been a lesson in patience and perseverance for sure!
Kudos to you for writing a book! It sounds like a lot of hard work but I’m sure it will pay off when you see your work in print 🙂
Thank you! Yes, it has been a lesson in patience and perseverance for sure!