I mentioned in a previous blog post that I wanted to try the Vegan Overnight Oats (VOO) from Oh She Glows. I made them twice last week and have to say that I can’t get into them. I’m not sure if it’s the texture, the flavor or both but they aren’t for me. I felt tired and foggy after eating them which is a reminder to be aware when eating and listen to the messages your body sends.
This is a perfect example of bio-individuality. Bio what? Bioindividuality is the concept that everyone is different and what works for one person as a breakfast food, a workout or a diet plan may not work for someone else. It’s important to keep that in mind when experimenting with healthy habits.
I was originally attrated to the VOO-as-breakfast alternative when I saw how healthy and wholesome the ingredients are. I will recommend it to my clients for breakfast but I’ll stick with my green or protein smoothies to power me through my morning for now! To see me demonstrate how to make a nourishing smoothie in a jiffy, watch my video below.
Here is a photo of my VOO before they went into the fridge
And this is what they looked like after the mix-ins (almond butter, unsweetened coconut and a drizzle of maple syrup)
And now …. drumroll …. my first ever video post. See how quick and easy it can be to make a morning smoothie! I’ll be adding more videos to my blog in the future (and tweaking my filming and delivery skills as I get more practice) so let me know how you like this one … but be gentle, please!!!! 🙂
Marissa, I loved the video! YOu are so enthusiastic about smoothies how could anyone not want to have one. Good luck and I hope to see more videos to come. -Danielle