You may be wondering why a photo of my toilet is headlining my blog today. Well, folks, whether we want to discuss it or not, proper, regular and complete elimination does go hand-in-hand with a healthy diet and lifestyle.
The wooden contraption adorning the base of that fine piece of porcelain in the photo is a MiracleStep. I was enlightened to read in Kris Carr’s book, Crazy Sexy Diet, that the modern day toilets don’t position our bodies for proper elimination. Nope. The results of which can go something like this:
- Incomplete Bowel Elimination
- Toxins Remain In The BodyΒ
- Fecal Stagnation/ Fermentation
- Diseased Colon and Body
Evolutionarily speaking, our bodies were designed to secrete with our knees positioned above our hips in a “squat-like” position. This relaxes our stomach muscles and abdomen so we can experience complete elimination. Who knew?!
The MiracleStep puts our bodies back into proper position and low and behold the miracle of complete elimination happens. This includes:
- Less Bloating
- Relief from Constipation
- Relief from Hemorrhoids
- Relief from Diarrhea
- Relief from IBS
Fascinating stuff! (Art least I think so …) you can get your very own MiracleStep or Squatty Potty here.
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