In January, I cracked open a book that had been sitting on my bookshelf for more than three years.
It wasn’t just any book, it was The Artist’s Way, a 12-week self-guided program aimed at uncovering my inner artist. Huh? I never considered myself an artist in any sense of the word. A writer? Kind of. But never an artist.
Still, I’d heard good things about it, the author Julia Cameron had been a guest teacher I had resonated with at IIN and that the term “artist” was to be considered loosely – it’s really more about unlocking your creativity. I decided my time had come to see what this book was all about.
But even still, I resisted. Two of the regular assignments were Morning Pages, three pages of stream-of-consciousness journaling daily, and The Artist’s Date, weekly date with myself. These, in addition to a laundry list of other writing exercises and tasks.
Even for someone who likes to write, the Morning Pages seemed excruciating at times and the date had a tendency to be somewhat uncomfy. Not to mention, carving out time for these two activities was a challenge. Still, I was committed so I did it even if at times begrudgingly.
At first, nothing seemed to change. Life was going along as normal and I began to think I was wasting my time. Then, slowly, small shifts started to take place and I experienced drastic growth. Since starting The Artist’s Way:
- An Artist Was Born: I discovered a repressed interest in photography, bought a new camera, took a photography class and continue to explore my new-found hobby
- I Reversed the Past: I realized that I was regretful about quitting dance classes i
n my teenage years so I signed up for a dance class to reignite my love of dancing
- Forgiveness & Closure: I’ve finally been able to forgive a past lover and as synchronicity would have it, experienced closure
- Intuition and Inspiration: I now truly understand how to tap into my intuition and as a result am living a more inspired and creative life. One example: I realized I need to take a hiatus from running and everyday I wake up and exercise how my body wants to, instead of how my mind tells me to
The Artist’s Way is available as a book or an online course that you can take on as a group or to supplement the book.
Have you ever done The Artist’s Way or experienced growth in any area of your life that felt like a breakthrough to you?
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