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Earlier this week we had our first sign of 60 degree weather. That didn’t last long as we’re back to the cold temps now. Regardless, the first sign of Spring weather (or any change in weather, for that matter) puts me in the mood to renew and refresh with some Spring Cleaning. You too?
The body has a natural tendency to want to reset and what better time to do that than to follow the lead of Mother Nature as the seasons change. It was a long Winter and we all likely have a lot of gunk built up from it so here are my tips for Spring Cleaning your mind, body and home.
- Take inventory on all the old thoughts that aren’t serving you and vow to change them. You can even write them down and then re-write them with a positive spin.
- A new season is a great time to start a meditation practice. Check out my easy meditation tips.
- Commit to a new self care practice. Taking care of yourself works wonders to keep you feeling refreshed and stress-free. Schedule some down-time into your day or week, take a relaxing bath or shut-down all technology and social media for one day each week.
- Use lavender essential oil. Just one whiff can leave you stress-free and relaxed.
- Spring is the perfect time to detox your shopping cart and clean up your diet. Opt for more spring veggies like leafy greens, choose bitter foods like radishes, add raw, lightly cooked and sprouted foods and go easy on the heavier foods like ols, dairy and nuts.
- Switch up your exercise routine to give your body a boost. If you’ve been sticking to indoor workouts, take your sweat session outside.
Supplement your healthy eating. I’m not big on them, but there are a few supplements I recommend, like probiotics, fish oil and multi-vitamin. Modere’s Health & Wellness Collection helps restore balance, energy and stamina, especially important as we transition between seasons. I chose their Omega 3 Fish Oil Capsule with EPA and DHA .
- Update your everyday household essentials. Choose products that you love but that are also safe. Since we cook at home a lot and generate a lot of laundry (even for just 2 people!), we have to make sure our detergents are safe and effective. We’re loving the Modere Laundry Pods and Modere Dishwasher Pods, both part of Modere’s Household Care Collection designed to keep your home safe, stylish and stress-free. Both are natural, non-toxic and chlorine-free; free of phosphates, dyes, chlorine and NPE.
- Clear out clutter. Your home is a reflection of you, so a cluttered home means a cluttered mind. Give closets and drawers a once-over. Throw away and recycle junk and donate valuable items you no longer use.
- Burn white sage. White sage is a sacred herb that is said to have purifying energies. Give your home or office a spiritual cleansing by burning a smudge stick which will remove any negative energy.
So tell me, what rituals do you have or would you like to incorporate in your Spring Cleaning? Share below and remember to check out Modere for your household, beauty and wellness needs.
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