When I first started studying nutrition and learned about the real meaning of “gluten-free” I was frustrated that eating store-bought gluten free bread meant ingesting a laundry list of other fillers and chemicals. I met purely elizabeth founder and maker of gluten-free granola and baking mixes, Elizabeth Stein, while I was a student at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.
I remember one conversation in particular about how frustrating it was that there were virtually zero gluten-free baking mixes or breads available without all the added garbage. She told me that was exactly why she started her own line of all-natural, vegan gluten-free baking mixes, granola and now, hot cereal. When I first tried the granola, it was love at first bite. Now, it’s a staple in our kitchen. My boyfriend is particularly obsessed. And we use the pancake mix nalmost every weekend.
I’ve always been happy to support Elizabeth and vice versa, which is why I’m thrilled to announce that I’m among a select group of bloggers chosen to be Purely Bloggers!
To celebrate both Fall and becoming a part of the PE blogger team, I’m giving away a stash of purely Elizabeth goodies: pumpkin fig granola, oatmeal cranberry cookies mix and a re-usable “eat purely, live purely” tote.
All you have to do to enter is:
- Click here to tweet this: Hey, @MarissaVicario #Iwanttowin the @purelyelizabeth #giveaway on Where I Need to Be https://bit.ly/15SlpRDNote: The Click to Tweet link isn’t working (technology wins this time), so please just copy and paste the tweet. Thank you!
- Leave a comment below telling me why you love Purely Elizabeth products or why you’d like to try them.
The contest is open to US residents and one winner will be selected at random on Monday, October 14.
Thanks everyone for entering the giveaway. The winner is KatieHeath ! Contact me at marissa at mwahonline dot come to claim your prize!
I like the taste and texture of Purely Elizabeth granola, plus it doesn’t give you the gut busting full feeling that other brands do!
AmandaThomas2 Thanks for your entry, Amanda! Make sure to Tweet if you haven’t already 🙂
I would love to try this since it looks yummy – and its healthy too!
I would love to try Purley Elizabeth granola because its vegan and looks delicious. I am most looking forward to trying out the pumpkin fig granola.
oeigbo Thanks for entering! Good luck!
I’d love to try this because I’ve heard so much about natural foods. I’ve heard about how much they can energize and detox you. I also hope to put to use advice this website gives on living a healthier lifestyle.~
MarissaV DistractedDebraLee The link worked for me too!
MarissaV DistractedDebraLee Tweeted!
KatieHeath That works! Not sure what’s going on with the links. Sorry for the inconvenience!
MarissaV KatieHeath I couldn’t copy and paste the tweet for some reason so I had to copy it from going back and forth bw pages. When I put the link in the tweet, it’s not “clickable” but I don’t know any other way to do it.
KatieHeath Thanks for entering! As for the tweet, I’m not sure why the link isn’t working. I’m trying to fix it. Make sure to tweet to complete your entry – you can always copy and paste!
DistractedDebraLee Thanks for entering! Make sure you tweet also! If the link doesnt work you can copy and paste!
BlessieNelson I agree! Thanks for entering! Good luck!
ErrandsEtcetera Thanks for letting me know. I’ll fix the link!
carrotrunr It’s so good! Thanks for entering! Good luck!
I love what Purely Elizabeth stands for! Pure unadulterated food and supporting well meaning charities and moreover, the granola they make are so yummy and healthy! What’s not to love and respect about Purely Elizabeth! They stand for everything good!
I would love to try them as I am new to the gluten free world and live in a very small town.
The twitter link is bugged 🙁 But the granola is delish!
I’m not able to click on the twitter link for some reason.
I would love to try Purely Elizabeth products. I have heard about them for awhile, but haven’t been able to try them yet!
I’d like to try Purely Elizabeth products because they sound delicious and full of things that my body craves. Furthermore: pumpkin fig granola? Awesome!