How do you put the best day — weekend — of your life into words? I’m not sure I can do ur wedding in Mexico justice.
I started to write a full wedding recap in one post, but there was just too much so I decided to split it up into short posts, two maybe three. We’ll see how it goes. I realize that not everyone cares about my wedding so if you’re normally here for the health and wellness content, that’s not going anywhere. Check back later this week!
First, I’ll be honest and say that planning this wedding in Mexico pretty much sucked the life out of me — to put it bluntly. Without wanting or intending to, I put my life and many aspects of my business on hold to make sure everything was perfect and in-budget. Working long-distance with a wedding planner and negotiating with vendorsto plan a wedding in Mexico proved to be a challenge. There were many times I wanted to throw in the towel and elope.
As cliche as it sounds, as I lived the weekend, especially my actual wedding day, I was reminded that everything that happened to get us there was worth it.
There was a moment at my wedding reception when I left the dance floor, sat down and looked around and thought, “I cannot believe this is our wedding.”
It was, in a word, magical.
If you’ve followed me for awhile, you know it took me many frogs to find my prince. There was a time when I thought I may never find him. And when I did, we spent a long time together before we got engaged. So the idea of a wedding never seemed real to me. Even once we were engaged, the thought of planning a wedding didn’t necessarily excite me. But once we committed to a wedding and not an elopement, I wasn’t going to do anything half way.
We had ruled out a UK wedding, ruled out a destination wedding and ruled out a Louisville wedding. We had set a tentative date of November 2014 and were close to sealing the deal on an event space in Manhattan that we loved. But contract negotiations weren’t going smoothly and things weren’t feeling quite right.
A couple weeks earlier I was paging through a magazine when I found a write-up of a wedding in Mexico that inspired me. As I do, I tore it out and tucked it into my notebook. One day at my computer, I came across that torn-out page and in a moment of curiosity, googled the event space, Flora Farms. In the magazine article it was pegged as one of George Clooney’s favorite spots when he visits Cabo San Lucas.
The moment I laid eyes on it and read about the farm and restaurant and its mission, I KNEW with everything in me that we had to get married there. Cabo was where David and I took our first vacation together no more than a month after we started dating. It’s a special place for us. Tears streamed down my face as I envisioned the wedding of my dreams. Excitedly, I showed David Flora’s web site and he felt the same.
We were on our way to having a wedding in Mexico!
But first, we’d have to wait a full year, until March 2015, and Cabo San Lucas would have to weather a devastating natural disaster, Hurricane Odile.
To be continued …
Thank you! Me too!!
Your wedding was amazing! I’m so glad I was able to be a part of it!