There comes a time in every girl’s life when she has to bid adieu to her single-girl abode and start a new chapter in the castle of coupledom. For this reason, November has been a bittersweet month for me.
This past weekend, I said goodbye to what my boyfriend affectionately refers to as my “boudoir,”Apartment 2H, and hello to my new castle in the sky. I moved to NYC five and a half years ago and chose 2H for its Gramercy Park location, high ceilings, sizable kitchen and lofted bed. The apartment was a dream come true for me. I never left.
As I moved my furniture in, hung my pictures and accumulated my books and belongings, little did I know I was fashioning my pad into a perfect representation of my very own style and personality– cozy, ecclectic and delicatley feminine. And to this dwelling, I became very attached.
Through the ups and downs of the past five years, 2H has remained a steady constant. That studio apartment on Lexington Avenue became many things to me: a party place for Girls Nights, a safe haven from the cold, rainy and crowded streets of Manhattan and, of course, a shoulder to cry on break-up after broken-hearted break-up. It has celebrated my victories and nursed me back to health when I was ill. 2H knows every guy I’ve dated, that I like to eat sushi while catching up on Gossip Girl with my DVR and is very aware of my brief but intense obsession with Kings of Leon last October. 2H is where I grew up. Where I learned who I am and how I want to be. Where I became ME.
On my first date with David, I would have never believed that nearly nine months later, we would be shacking up together in a two-bedroom apartment in Tribeca. But the Universe brings us pleasant surprises at all the right moments. My “Quantum Moment” happened when I decided to change my mind and start living differently. It was then that I invited abundance into my life, met the man of my dreams and became a health and wellness coach.
This month, as I sold my furniture, packed up my clothes and knick-knacks and threw away my hand-me-down pots and pans, I traded it all in for my new dream come true. As tears of nostalgia dripped down my face, David wiped them gently away as he whispered, “You’re coming with me” and I knew it was time to let go of it all in pursuit of the life that awaits me with my one true love, the life I’ve always wanted.
When I closed the door to 2H a final time last Sunday, I said goodbye to the lost young woman who arrived in NYC ready to embark on a big city adventure: looking for love, hot shoes and a fabulous party. Grateful for everything I learned in search of it all, I welcomed the happier, fulfilled and more grounded version of that woman I am today. Not only did I find love, I found myself.
Farewell, 2H!
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it. I'm finding this is a very relatable topic 🙂
I love this post! One's first place after college, or first independent pad, is such a meaningful place in one's life and development as a person. Yet, leaving it for the purpose that you are, joining together with your true love, is also so meaningful- what a beautiful, poignant moment you've described. These big steps in life are so exciting.