Writing this post makes me feel like I’m back in elementary school with my first homework assignment of the school year, “what I learned at Summer Camp.” In a way, it’s kind of the same. I think we grow and learn the most when we’re removed from the routines of our daily lives and immersed in new places or situations. Sometimes they’re uncomfortable and other times they’re oh-so-comfortable. Like my recent trip to Hawaii. Hence, the topic, 5 Lessons I Learned in Hawaii.
“Vacation,” not Vacation
Just shy of one year ago, I took a leap of faith and left my corporate job to join the ever-growing ranks of female entrepreneurs. At the time it was scary and the past year has been the hardest work I’ve ever known. But it’s also been rewarding, thrilling, exciting and fulfilling. But back to Hawaii because my point is that it had been at least a year (maybe more) since I’d actually taken a vacation. (Gasp!)
Sure, I’d gone away a handful of times, but I always brought my work with me. And work I did. Awake at dawn to blog, stealing moments in the afternoon to check (and answer) email and back online in the evenings. No Tweet went un-tweeted and no email was left unanswered. Let’s just say old corporate habits die hard. So when I left for Hawaii just over 10 days ago I fully intended to do the same.
The voice in my head never letting me fully relax because …
If I go silent, everyone will forget about me.
My clients will think I don’t care.
Then I settled into island life and between stand-up paddleboard lessons, snorkeling, sun-bathing and sunset cocktails, things got a little lax. At first it was unsettling and the mental to-do list grew with each passing hour.
Until I let myself just be on vacation.
Now that I’m back and missing those Hawaiian sunsets more than I thought I ever could, I’m reflecting on the memories and of course, the learnings. These are a few that come to mind:
Lessons I Learned In Hawaii
Be on vacation
It seems like a no-brainer, but we get so wrapped up in our “to-do” lists that they can control us instead of us controlling them. I had forgotten how refreshing it can be to let go of it all. I came back with a fresh perspective on my business and life. Things that once seemed of the utmost importance suddenly felt less so. It gave me the freedom and opportunity to re-prioritize in my business and life.
Figure out how much down time you need and how often then give yourself that gift. Nobody worth knowing forgot about me and my clients were super supportive of my time off. Just do it!
Bask in the moment
Checking email and a myriad of social media accounts countless times each day makes it hard to truly be in the moment or even recognize when and where those moments are. I’m as guilty of this as anyone. A vacation from all of the technical overstimulation let me tap into where I was, what I was doing, who I was with and why I was doing it in an uninterrupted and inspiring way. I felt fulfilled beyond my wildest dreams. So much so that I barely had an appetite. Food was an afterthought, not a priority. Can you spend even an hour a day offline and focus on something that inspires you? Recognize how you lose yourself in it.
Find beauty all around you
It’s hard to miss the beauty in Hawaii because it’s everywhere. It’s breathtaking. So overwhelmingly beautiful in fact that I was moved to tears several times. There’s beauty everywhere and it’s up to us to be present enough to see it. Where do you see beauty in your everyday life? Maybe it’s on your run or your commute to work. Stop for a second and take it in. Maybe capture it on camera.
Find more happiness with less
In Hawaii, David and I encountered some of the friendliest and happiest people we’ve ever met. I guess it’s hard to be in a bad mood when the weather is gorgeous year round. Some of them had given up stressful jobs to live in paradise, drive a catamaran and lead snorkeling tours. Others were born and raised in Hawaii – one lived on a sailboat. What they all had in common is that they were living simply, unapologetically doing what they love and as happy as can be.
Where are you finding your happiness? Is it in things or other people or does happiness come from inside based on the way you choose to live your life?
Was there ever a time you were enlightened on a vacation like in these lessons I learned in Hawaii? I want to be inspired by you so tell me about it in the comments below!
And in the meantime, if someone can figure out how I can live half the year in Hawaii and the other in NYC, can you please let me know? I just may be working toward that arrangement!
Thank you Hun!
Love this!