Last week I explained about hot water health benefits in Ayurveda and invited you on my Hot Water Challenge.
To recap, hot water has many health benefits. In Ayurveda, the benefits of sipping hot water focus on the lymph and lymphatic drainage. The lymph is where the majority of the immune system lies. A slow, or “boggy” lymph can culminate in a range of symptoms tied to an unhealthy immune system.
I have now been sipping hot water for one week and am pleased to know that a number of you have taken me up on it as well. How’s it going for you? Tell me in the comments. For me, it was a slow start and I had to learn how to make sipping hot water work for me while I’ve been traveling. Still, I’ve stayed committed to seeing it through.
Thus, my commitment to the challenge has kept me innovative. It’s easier than I thought to get hot water on the road! (And in the air!) Notwithstanding a few strange stares, repeated offers for tea with my hot water and several trips to the restroom I’ m happy to report that I actually like this newfound habit and the many positive side effects I’ve noticed.
Hot Water Challenge Side Effects
- I find it comforting especially when the weather is cold, my feet and hands aren’t as cold as they used to be
- I’ve been craving it more which I consider a good sign
- My body temperature has become more stable. As someone who is always cold, this is a very good thing.
- My almost-daily headaches are gone
- I have more energy overall
Can I attribute all of this to the hot water or is it just a placebo effect? Let’s see where Week Two takes me. Stay tuned!
Check out my Hot Water Challenge Results Week 2
Hi fellow IIN lady!
I too have been on a hot water with lemon kick every AM. I find it to be very healing and a sure fire way to inspire a morning movement ; )
I'm sure the extra hydration is solving the headaches. Have you ever tried hot water with lemon? I give it a thumbs up!
Keep it up!
Michele Santo