When my clients get started with TRIM, they’re usually new to Carb Cycling. Or if you’re reading this, maybe you’re already familiar with Carb Cycling but looking for a way to incorporate it into your lifestyle. Finally, you may be wondering why carb cycling for women is an effective weight loss strategy.
Why Low Carb Diets Don’t Work
Many women are carb conscious and familiar with low carb diets. We’ve been told for years that carbs are the culprit that causes weight gain. When in fact, nothing could be further from the truth! Complex carbs are an important source of energy for women and restricting them can actually slow your metabolism and cause weight gain.
If you’ve been restricting carbs for a long time, you may have noticed some weight gain or that you feel lethargic. This is because restricting carbs will automatically reduce your caloric intake and potentially leave your body deprived of essential nutrients like iron and B12.
Carb Restriction is Dangerous
Without enough calories to keep your metabolism firing, your body will literally store fat. Not only that, a too-low caloric intake will affect your hormones and could weaken your bones.
Furthermore, if you exercise a lot, low carb diets combined with intense physical activity can lower your immunity leaving you susceptible to illness.
Overall, a restrictive low carb diet will have dangerous, long-term affects on your weight, hormones and metabolism.
What’s the Alternative for Women Who Want to Lose Weight and Burn Fat?
Carb cycling! Carb cycling allows for low carb days that deplete glycogen and burn fat followed by planned high carb days that increase thyroid output and help you control hunger.
With Carb Cycling, you’ll continue to see fat loss, increased energy levels and improvements to your overall body composition. Carb cycling improves insulin levels so your body stores less fat.
Paired with effective workouts, carb cycling will help you break through those dreaded plateaus so you can maintain your weight loss and truly look and feel your very best long-term in a healthy and sustainable way.
This is just one of the scientifically-proven weight loss strategies we use in my 8-week group program, TRIM.
What Is Carb Cycling?
Carb Cycling is alternating low carb days with high carb days to maximize fat burn and energy levels. Carb cycling for women allows for planned high carb days that increase thyroid output and help you control hunger.
Why Not Eat ONLY Low Carb or Keto?
Our bodies are smart. They’re designed to adapt to whatever we’re doing. This is why if you’ve ever done a low carb diet like the keto diet, you may have experienced a plateau if you stuck with it long enough.
If you eat low carb and high fat all the time (like keto recommends), your body will get used to using fat for energy. Eventually, you’ll stop seeing results.
Here’s the important part: Long term carbohydrate and/or calorie restriction can lower your metabolic rate and negatively affect your hormones.
This is THE biggest reason women find themselves at weight loss plateaus.
You may have had an experience like this: When you first start any kind of significantly restriction diet and for a short period of time thereafter, you will see results. However, over time your metabolic rate will decline.
Once your metabolic rate declines, weight loss will halt and you’ll need to restrict calories even more to continue losing weight, thus lowering your metabolic rate once again.
Not only is this a terribly unhealthy way to live, it’s also incredibly frustrating and completely UN-sustainable!
So What’s the solution?
Carb cycling! Carb cycling for women allows for low carb days that deplete glycogen and burn fat followed by planned high carb days that increase thyroid output and help you control hunger.
With Carb Cycling, you’ll continue to see fat loss, increased energy levels and improvements to your overall body composition. Carb cycling improves insulin levels so your body stores less fat.
Paired with effective workouts, carb cycling will help you break through those dreaded plateaus so you can maintain your weight loss and truly look and feel your very best long-term in a healthy and sustainable way.
This is just one of the scientifically-proven weight loss strategies we use in my 7-week group program, TRIM.
Are you ready to get started with Carb Cycling? Click here to sign up for my next round of TRIM!
[…] training to drive fat loss. This is where my group program really shines. In this program, we do Carb Cycling (two days) which we pair with HIIT workouts and fat burning cardio. We also incorporate two rest […]