I’ve always resisted breaks. I like to power through things.
Since the day I started Where I Need to Be — June 6, 2009 to be exact — blogging has been something I’m passionate about. I’ve always defined myself as a writer at my core and there is nothing I would rather do than share my advice and insights here with my readers. I aim to be consistent but there have been a few times over the years when I’ve taken longer-than-expected breaks.
The past month (maybe longer) was one of those times. I couldn’t physically keep up with the amount of work on my plate and have enough energy left to give to my clients, my business and my relationship.
I felt guilty, I felt overwhelmed but if I listened I knew this one thing:
I’ve had to train myself to accept rest as a healthy activity instead of a sign of weakness. For instance, I’m not much of a napper. And I never (until recently) subscribed to the idea that not every workout has to be an all out effort. Also, I so used to be the girl who checked (and responded to) email on vacation because I couldn’t stand coming back to an overflowing inbox.
Times have changed and if the past year has taught me anything, it’s that after a period of rest, we come back stronger and with new perspective.
Thank you for the concerned emails, Tweets and encouragement asking where my posts had gone. I promised I’d be back and well, now I am!
Where have I been and what have I been up to?
- I enrolled in Marie Forleo’s B-school and like the name suggests, it’s a whole lotta’ work! Much of my free time and energy has been devoted to my coursework and just plain being inspired!
- The rest of it has been dedicated to creating the Summer edition of the Total Reset Plan. Watch for it in early July. Four weeks of done-for-you meals is no small undertaking!
- When I set my intentions for the year in January, I added a sprint triathlon to the list. CRAZY, right??? After completing the NYC Triathlon in July 2008 and the NYC marathon in November 2008, I took a break from racing. I never intended to stay away so long and for the past year or so I’ve had the urge to go back, just less hard core. So I signed up for the Danskin Women’s Sprint Triathlon in Sandy Hook, NJ. Just for FUN. I start training July 9.
I’ve got some content planned that makes me want to jump for joy. Here’s what’s in store:
- Recipes galore! I’ve been cooking at home more than ever and I have some gems to share
- More Healthy Hot Spots: I’ll keep exploring NYC’s healthiest restaurants so you can dine with confidence
- Some highlights from my Tri training
- Extraordinary Ordinary People: I’m inspired daily by my friends and I want to share what they’re doing so I’ll be profiling them here and bragging about how cool they are
- And of course, the wellness tips and nutrition advice that you’re used to seeing just amped up a notch
If you’re not on my mailing list yet, you’ll want to get on it for regular updates and special announcements.
Now, I want to hear from you!
In the comments below, tell me what you’d like me to blog about. What are some hot topics you’re dying to see me cover? Also, tell me about a time when you’ve taken a break from something you love and come back stronger and with new perspective.
I’m glad you’re back! I’m happy to hear that you gave yourself a break from the blog instead of pressing onward.
Breaks are good, but so hard to take especially when you’re busy trying to build a business. I’m taking a break from a portion of my job for a few days next week to focus on a neglected part of my bigger plan!