A couple of months ago, I attended a yoga class at Jivamukti where each instructor begins class with a story or devotion. That night, the instructor told the class about her experience seeing Amma just a few weeks earlier. I had never heard of Amma but I listened intently as she spoke of her intense spiritual awakening from a simple hug.
Sri Mata Amritanandamayi, known as Amma, or Mother, is a humanitarian, spiritual leader and servant. Much like Mother Theresa, Amma travels the world with a message of love and service uniting all who seek her compassion. What is unique about Amma, who has been referred to as the “Hugging Saint” is that she offers Darshan, an expression of universal love, in the form of an embrace. Over the past four decades, she has hugged more than 27 million people worldwide.
I’m in London this week for work and coincidentally, so is Amma. Although on some level I planned it, I believe I was guided to her. The way the timing worked out and the travel plans fell into place, I know I was meant to receive her blessing. After work today, I set out (with my boss) to Alexandria Palace, a very large event hall in North London. Because it was my first time seeing Amma, I didn’t know what to expect, but I remained open. The greeter welcomed us warmly and we were ushered in line to get a token for Darshan. Music and chanting filled the space as we strolled around the event hall and had a snack.
Two hours and a lesson in patience and humility later, our token number came up and we filed into line — first in chairs and then to our knees as our turn came closer. As I approached Amma, I felt nervous but then a sudden sense of calm washed over me. As a New Yorker we are often anxious to have our turn, for the line to move. All I felt was a sense of knowing. I said a prayer that I would open myself to the love I was about to receive and then share that love with others. When it was my turn, I presented my offering of a pink rose, was put in place by a handler and received my hug. With my head on her shoulder, the rose oil Amma wears overwhelmed my senses as she whispered in my ear, “My daughter, my daughter, my daughter, my daughter.” Chills. And then it was over.
When I came to my work as a health and wellness coach, it was like a gradual awakening. For years I knew that I was put on this earth to do work on behalf of the greater good and when I chose to listen to that inner voice, I felt a tremendous sense of relief and happiness. I was certain I had a gift that was meant to be shared with others. It has opened me up to living in love and releasing the fear I held onto and that guided me for most of my adult life.
Called to her work as a healer since childhood, Amma is an icon of unconditional love, service and selflessness, a reminder that without love, we cannot realize our true selves and the divinity each of us has within. There are still many days when my fear takes over and my intent is that these will grow fewer in time, but in the presence of someone like Amma one realizes all that is possible in the world if we simply practice love.
Sometimes it’s only a hug we need to put us in that loving place. Often it’s love we’re lacking when we experience addictions to sugar or something worse. Look at where you can add more love to your life, then find it, share it in some way big or small and notice how you change for the better.
“No work is insignificant or meaningless. The amount of love, the amount of heart which you pour into your work, makes it significant and beautiful.” — Amma
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